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HiFiman Ananda音乐性最好的耳机,是我们迄今为止测量过的最好的耳机之一。


We buy our own products and put them under the same testing methodology so that you can easily compare them. Unlike most websites, we do not get our products directly from the manufacturers, which means our units aren’t handpicked and actually represent what you would buy yourself. We spend a lot of time comparing the products side-by-side to validate our results, and we keep them until they are discontinued so we can continually go back and make sure our reviews are always accurate.


Buying headphones can sometimes feel like a chore when faced with all the different choices on the market. If you’re passionate about music or you like having a background playlist during your daily commuting, comfortable headphones with great audio reproduction will be the best option to listen to songs like they were intended to. We’ve tested and reviewed 270 headphones and here are our top 5 headphones for music to buy in 2018.


The best overall headphones for music are the HiFiman Ananda. These open over-ears are one of the best sounding headphones we’ve measured so far, and they’re slightly less expensive than the often compared Sennheiser HD 800 S. They cater well to all genres of music and have open-back ear cups with planar magnetic drivers that offer a spacious soundstage, which feels like you’re listening to speakers instead of headphones.

它们比经常音乐性最好的耳机是HiFiman Ananda。这些开放的耳机设计是我们迄今为止测量过的最好的耳机之一,使用的Sennheiser HD 800 S便宜一点。它们适用于所有类型的音乐并具有开放式耳罩平面磁性驱动器提供宽敞的声场,感觉就像你正在听扬声器而不是耳机。

They have an improved build quality over the previous generation, the HiFiMan Edition X, and their sound quality packs enough bass despite their open design. Their mid and treble range are expertly balanced and reproduce instrument and vocals with great fidelity. They’re also very comfortable to wear, although their bulky critical listening design may not be for everyone.

与上一代HiFiMan Edition X相比,它们的质量得到了提升,尽管它们采用开放式设计,但它们仍能保持足够多的低音。它们的中音和高音均经过专业平衡,可以极其逼真地再现乐器和人声。他们戴起来也很舒服,虽然他们分毫毕现的设计可能不适合每个人。

2018-10-30 02:10:45
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